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Thinking about visiting?
We'd love to have you.


When and Where is Worship?

We have one worship service at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. Sometimes there are special holiday services. The church is right off of the 57 freeway at the Lambert exit, on the corner of State College and Lambert Road. Our address is 480 N. State College Blvd. Brea, CA 92821. Click here for a map and directions.


What Is Worship Like?

Our service blends tradition with a contemporary outlook through varied musical styles, engaging teaching, heart-felt children's moments and frequent opportunities to reflect and reconnect. Both before and after the service, we welcome all to stop by our gathering area for coffee and conversation. You can listen to past sermons here.


What about Children?

Children of all ages are welcome and celebrated at Brea UMC. Pre-schoolers and older usually come to worship and enjoy the special moment early in the service, then go out to Sunday school (though they are welcome to stay with the grown-ups).


What Should I Wear?

Be comfortable! You will find people at Brea UMC wearing coats and ties, dresses, jeans, shorts, and flip-flops. We care more that you're here than what you wear.


Where Should I Park?

The church has a parking lot along State College with ample room.


What if I’m…

Single? Married? Divorced? Old? Young? Gay? Straight? Rich? Poor? Black/White/Latin/Asian/etc. So are we! You’ll fit right in.


What about Accessibility?

Brea UMC is proud to have differently-abled persons on staff and in the congregation. Parking for those with disabled tags is available in the front part of the main lot. The sanctuary and social hall are at ground level. Accessible bathrooms are available. Children’s Sunday school rooms usually involve stairs but accommodations can be made.


Now What?

Come see us! You’ll be welcomed. If there are any questions we forgot, please let us know. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


What kind of church are you?
BUMC is a United Methodist congregation. For more, see Who We Are and What We Believe, visit the website of the United Methodist Church or attend our worship services or other programs and ask lots of questions.Go ahead - we don't mind!

480 N. State College Blvd, Brea, CA 92821


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